Maximizing your employer’s EAP for therapy.
3 Tips to get the bang with no bucks! It’s all FREE!
3 minute read
#1 - Shop around!!!
The first thing you want to do is communicate to your HR director the need for the maximum amount of sessions allowed. I know you may not want to put people in your business at your job, but let's be honest, it doesn't quite work like that anyway.. Once you are given a list of providers from your employer's EAP (Employment Assistance Program), Go into it with the idea of simply finding a good fit. Shop around!!! Use the list of providers to get a good feel while it's free of charge. If you don't get a good vibe, DON'T STOP LOOKING! Find one that feels right for you! Whether you curse, hate talking about God, or are thinking about changing your sexual identity, you need to feel comfortable, safe, and not judge.
#2 - Set up for long term therapy.
Before your allotted session expires, make sure they either accept your employer's insurance or you can afford it if you're paying privately. You can also discuss future sliding fees and how long that fee is available. If you’ve heard great things about a particular therapist, and he/she is not in-network with your insurance provider, ask if you can be provided a super-bill for reimbursement. First, contact your member's benefits on the back of your insurance card for more information and confirm that you are allowed to provide them with super bills. Ask questions!!! You might be surprised what your insurance offers. I was.
#3 - Restart EAP Sessions.
Usually, free sessions are allowed every year. Maybe it's three sessions a year, or six every six months. This is dependent on your employer's EAP benefits packet. You will have to communicate with your employer's human resources department for specific information.
BONUS- I know we do not familiarize ourselves enough with our employee assistance program. Still, I can assure you that you are missing out on some fantastic free and discounted perks for you and your family. There are so many benefits your employer may have for your entire family that you are completely unaware of. Benifits for gyms, schools, discounts, therapy, education assistance, days off for continued education, and highly important, reimbursement and sometimes money are all there! All types of things we are not informed about. It might be a good idea to go in one day, knock on the door, and please make it formal. Schedule a time to sit and discuss the benefits. They may give you a link or some type of reading material. Ask if you can sit and have your questions answer along with recommendations based on your unique circumstance. Read the material, write down some questions and ask. Build a relationship. Remember, you work hard (sometimes lol), but those benefits are earned, not go and get them! All of them! Go in and say hello to the HR director and ask a few questions.
I love you, and I really mean it:)