How to Take An Effective Mental Health Day 

PTO- Prepare The Others !!

2 minute read

A mental health day is a day to take care of your mental!!! Do me a quick favor right now. Stop after this sentence and massage your brain for a moment.

Keep massaging it; these words are not going anywhere.

Give it some attention, love, acknowledge that it’s there, doing most of the work every day, sometimes going over and beyond the call of duty.

Please make sure you are responsibility-free and use that day to do you. If you ask anyone, Google, YouTube, and even your therapist about self-care. You may hear, sleep, massage, vacation, read, meditate; I don’t have to tell you the obvious. I will tell you that you have to figure out what is best for you. I’m holding a paper in my hand with over 60 self-care options. It’s that many for a reason. On this list of options, I don’t see things like going skydiving, making love to your partner, getting a tattoo, or going somewhere nostalgic. Some of these things may come as a shock, but what is impulsive, reckless, and a trigger for some may be just what the doctor ordered for you. I would encourage you to invite your therapist on this journey to make sure you are not taking part in any self-harming coping skills, but rather you are finally living free of the pressure and expectations of…. well, you know who! Keep me posted on what self-care looks like for you. I'd love to know.


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Maximizing your employer’s EAP for therapy.